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翟黎明(Google Scholar),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2020年毕业于武汉大学国家网络安全学院,获得信息安全专业博士学位。2021-2023年在新加坡南洋理工大学计算机科学与工程学院从事博士后研究。2023年入职华中师范大学计算机学院。主要研究方向为人工智能安全和多媒体安全,已发表学术论文20余篇,多项成果发表在IEEE TIFSIEEE TKDEPRIJISNeurocomputingICLRIJCAIACM MMICMEIH&MMSecIWDW等计算机安全、多媒体领域相关期刊和会议;获得授权发明专利10余项。担任IEEE TIFSIEEE TDSCIEEE TCSVTIJISACM MMAAAICHIICMEICASSPIH&MMSecIWDW等国际期刊和会议审稿人。








多媒体安全:隐写术(Steganography),隐写分析(Steganalysis),图像取证(Image Forensics)






Chenyu Liu, Xinliang Zhou, Jiaping Xiao, Zhengri Zhu, Liming Zhai*, Ziyu Jia, Yang Liu, "VSGT: Variational Spatial and Gaussian Temporal Graph Models for EEG-based Emotion Recognition,'' in Proc. 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Aug. 2024. (CCF A类会议)

Chenyu Liu, Xinliang Zhou, Zhengri Zhu, Liming Zhai*, Ziyu Jia, Yang Liu, "VBH-GNN: Variational Bayesian Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Cross-subject Emotion Recognition,'' in Proc. 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024. (清华大学计算机学科A类会议)

Jiaqing He, Yanzhen Ren, Liming Zhai, Wuyang Liu, "FCC-MF: Detecting Violence in Audio-Visual Context with Frame-Wise Cluster Contrast and Modality-Stage Flooding," in Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr. 2024, pp. 8346-8350. (CCF B类会议)

Yanzhen Ren, Ting Liu, Liming Zhai*, Hongcheng Zhu, Lina Wang, "Hiding Data in Colors: Secure and Lossless Image Steganography via Conditional Invertible Neural Networks," in Proc. 4th CSIG Chinese Conference on Media Forensics and Security, (ChinaMFS), Nov. 2023. (优秀论文奖)

Yanzhen Ren, Hongcheng Zhu, Liming Zhai*, Zongkun Sun, Rubing Shen and Lina Wang, ''Who is speaking actually? Robust and versatile speaker traceability for voice conversion,'' in Proc. 31th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Oct. 2023, pp. 8674-8685. (CCF A类会议)

Xinliang Zhou, Dan Lin, Ziyu Jia, Jiaping Xiao, Chenyu Liu, Liming Zhai* and Yang Liu, ''An EEG channel selection framework for driver drowsiness detection via interpretability guidance,'' in Proc. 45th Annual International Conference of the lEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2023. (清华大学生物医学工程学科A类会议)

Liming Zhai, Qing Guo, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Yi Estelle Wang and Yang Liu, ''A3GAN: attribute-aware anonymization networks for face de-identification,'' in Proc. 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Oct. 2022, pp. 5303-5313. (CCF A类会议)

Ju Jia, Liming Zhai, Weixiang Ren, Lina Wang and Yanzhen Ren, ''An effective imbalanced JPEG steganalysis scheme based on adaptive cost-sensitive feature learning,'' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1038-1052, 2022. (SCI 2 , CCF A类期刊)

Tian Wu, Lina Wang, Liming Zhai*, Canming Fang and Mingcheng Zhang, ''Progressive selection-channel networks for image steganalysis," International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 7444-7458, 2022. (SCI 1 , CCF C类期刊)

Liming Zhai, Lina Wang and Yanzhen Ren, ''Universal detection of video steganography in multiple domains based on the consistency of motion vectors,'' IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 15, pp. 1762-1777, 2020. (SCI 1 , CCF A类期刊)

Ju Jia, Liming Zhai, Weixiang Ren, Lina Wang, Yanzhen Ren and Lefei Zhang, ''Transferable heterogeneous feature subspace learning for JPEG mismatched steganalysis,'' Pattern Recognition (PR), vol. 100, pp. 107105, 2020. (SCI 2 , CCF B类期刊)

Lina Wang, Yibo Xu, Liming Zhai, Yanzhen Ren and Bo Du, ''A posterior evaluation algorithm of steganalysis accuracy inspired by residual co-occurrence probability,'' Pattern Recognition (PR), vol. 87, pp. 106-117, 2019. (SCI 2 , CCF B类期刊)

Weixiang Ren, Liming Zhai, Ju Jia, Lina Wang and Lefei Zhang, ''Learning selection channels for image steganalysis in spatial domain,'' Neurocomputing, vol. 401, pp. 78-90, 2020. (SCI 2 , CCF C类期刊)

Weixiang Ren, Yibo Xu, Liming Zhai, Lina Wang and Ju Jia, ''Fast carrier selection of JPEG steganography appropriate for application,'' Tsinghua Science and Technology (TST), vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 614-624, 2020. (SCI 3 )

Liming Zhai, Lina Wang and Yanzhen Ren, ''Multi-domain embedding strategies for video steganography by combining partition modes and motion vectors,'' in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Jul. 2019, pp. 1402-1407. (CCF B类会议)

Yubo Lu, Liming Zhai and Lina Wang, ''Designing non-additive distortions for JPEG steganography based on blocking artifacts reduction,'' in Proc. 18th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW). Nov. 2019, pp. 268-280. (Best Student Paper Award)

翟黎明, 嘉炬, 任魏翔, 徐一波, 王丽娜. 深度学习在图像隐写术与隐写分析领域中的研究进展. 信息安全学报, 2018, 3(6): 2-12. (中文CCF B类期刊)

Liming Zhai, Lina Wang and Yanzhen Ren, ''Combined and calibrated features for steganalysis of motion vector-based steganography in H.264/AVC,'' in Proc. 5th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec), Jun. 2017, pp. 135-146. (CCF C类会议)

Yanzhen Ren, Liming Zhai, Lina Wang and Tingting Zhu, ''Video steganalysis based on subtractive probability of optimal matching feature," in Proc. 2nd ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security (IH&MMSec), Jan. 2014, pp. 83-90. (CCF C类会议)



Yi Estelle Wang, Liming Zhai, Qing Guo and Jeremy Dahan. Face anonymization using a generative adversarial network. EP22166968.2. 2022. (欧盟专利)

王丽娜, 翟黎明, 陆宇博, 吴俊锜. 基于块效应的非加性失真JPEG图像隐写方法. CN201910880862.0. 2019.

王丽娜, 翟黎明, 徐一波. 基于分割的邻域最优概率视频隐写分析方法及系统. CN201610464312.7. 2016.

王丽娜, 翟黎明, 徐一波. 一种基于运动矢量残差相关性的视频隐写分析方法. CN201610518287.6. 2016.

王丽娜, 翟黎明, 徐一波. 一种基于窗口最优校准的视频隐写分析方法. CN201610528427.8. 2016.

王丽娜, 嘉炬, 翟黎明, 任魏翔. 基于自适应代价敏感特征学习的不平衡隐写分析方法. ZL202010217273.7. 2020.

王丽娜, 吴俊锜, 翟黎明, 嘉炬, 任魏翔, 方灿铭, 吴畑.一种基于多尺度滤波器图像增强的空域隐写方法. CN202010609536.9. 2020.

王丽娜, 王汉森, 翟黎明, 徐一波, 任延珍. 一种面向JPEG图像的隐写分析盲检测的方法. CN201710742641.8. 2017.

王丽娜, 徐一波, 翟黎明, 任延珍, 谭选择. 一种基于宏块复杂度的自适应视频运动矢量隐写方法. CN201610066448.2. 2016.

王丽娜, 徐一波, 翟黎明, 任延珍, 谭选择, 任魏翔. 一种基于熵的视频运动矢量隐写检测方法. CN201610066493.8. 2016.

王丽娜, 徐一波, 翟黎明, 谭选择, 任魏翔, 王汉森, 王博. 一种基于纹理复杂度的JPEG图像自适应隐写方法. CN201610961757.6. 2016.

